2016 Memorial Day

June 09, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Leo Dwyer of Cohasset and an army veteran is framed by other veterans standing at attention attending the Memorial Day ceremony at Veterans Memorial Park in Cohasset on Monday, May 30, 2016. Wicked Local Staff Photo/ Robin Chan Photojournalists cover the major holidays every year and this is year was no different. Memorial Day is one of the major holidays that we cover and rightfully so. I was assigned to cover Cohasset's Memorial Day parade and ceremony because of the location and timing of the event. This year, it was raining off and on throughout the morning so many towns opted to either cancel their parade or hold the ceremony indoors. Cohasset decided to soldier on and carry their event as planned.

One challenge of covering an annual event is pushing yourself to find a unique image that will rise to the top and make readers stop and look deeper into the paper. I often use framing as a way to draw attention to the main subject of the photo. Admittedly, I probably use it a bit too much but it's a nice and effective way of quickly getting to the heart of the photo. I framed this veteran's face with the shoulders of his fellow veterans standing in the rain at Veteran Memorial Park. I shot it so that there wasn't any other background noise to distract the reader from the portrait.

I fired off a few frames and picked the frame that invoked the somber occasion of remembering the soldiers who had paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country. 


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